
It’s not your body that’s tired, it’s your soul: 8 signs that confirm it

If you feel exhausted and weak, we can tell you that you are not alone. According to statistics, 1 in 5 people feel tired at this moment, and unfortunately, exhaustion has become the norm. The rhythm of the modern world includes constant work, stress, tension, lack of sleep and proper exercise. And all this also affects the state of the soul.

When do you know that not (only) your body is tired, but that your soul is also suffering?

1. You’re tired even when you’ve slept all night.
You are tired even after sleeping all night.
You are tired even after sleeping all night.
If you find it difficult to wake up and get out of bed, even though you have slept enough hours, it can be the first sign. You have recovered physically, but you will not restore your soul just by sleeping. As a result, chronic fatigue appears and you fight with yourself all day when you have to do something.

2. Daydreaming and escape from reality
Daydreaming and escape from reality
Daydreaming and escape from reality
If you feel that you have to escape from reality and dream of a different life, your soul is already showing signs of exhaustion. You often think about the past and fear the future. You don’t like the present, so you want to distract yourself. But this can harm you, because you still have to return to your daily duties and your dissatisfaction with life increases due to the lack of reality and your daydreaming.

3. Indifference and lack of effort
Indifference and lack of effort
Indifference and lack of effort
Considering that you constantly feel tired, you may also experience a lack of desire to do anything, you may show indifference to everything that is happening around you, and you may even lose interest in things that used to make you happy. You see no point in what you do, and you become apathetic about the results of your actions. This creates additional tension, because you still have to fulfill your daily duties, even if you do not have the energy and desire.

4. Sudden emotional changes
Sudden emotional changes
Sudden emotional changes
Dissatisfaction, fatigue and indifference can affect your emotions. How often do you get angry and let yourself be hurt by even the smallest things? How often do you start crying or laughing unexpectedly and for no reason? If these mood swings happen often, it can be a sign of an exhausted soul. Life is even more difficult with such emotional swings. In addition, it forces you to seek conflict instead of trying to achieve peace and understanding.

5. You pretend to feel fine.
You pretend to feel fine.
You pretend to feel fine.
Don’t think that hiding your pain and pretending that everything is fine is a good way to solve a problem. If you do this, you are lying to yourself and others about your true feelings while you are breaking down inside. You try your best to fake namseh on your face and expend extra energy to create the illusion of happiness, while your soul cries. But she is tired and doesn’t have the strength to pretend that everything is fine.

6. Feeling lonely
A feeling of loneliness
A feeling of loneliness
If you direct all your anger at the people around you, your relationships can become strained. When you pretend to feel good, no one knows your true state. All this can make you feel lonely and alone with your problem. So you start to think that no one understands you, no one accepts you and that no one can help you. That’s why you try to arrange everything yourself.

7. Desire for isolation
Desire for isolation
Desire for isolation
If you have a desire to hide from other people, then this is a sign of a tired soul. You may want to sit in a corner to protect yourself from others, or even become invisible. But since you can’t lock yourself in your home and stop communicating with other people, this unwanted communication makes you anxious. You still have to carry on with your daily conversations and stay close to other people, even if you want them to leave you alone.

See also

Personal growth
Free yourself from the ego: What happens when you stop judging everyone around you?
8. Negative thinking
Negative thinking
Negative thinking
Do you notice pleasant little things, remember funny incidents and try to recreate happy moments? If you have become accustomed to focusing on negative and bad experiences, your soul may suffer from exhaustion. You are not filled with positive energy. On the contrary – you spend it by constantly reliving and expecting unpleasant moments in life. This affects your mood and creates a feeling of unhappiness.

If you feel this way too, it’s about time, yes put yourself first and take care of your soul. Rest as much as you need. Turn off your phone and spend some time with your favorite things.

Get ready a hot bath, meditate, play your favorite music and spend more time with the people you love the most.

Avoid negative thoughts and stop criticizing. Learn to balance your energy.

When you really pay attention to what your soul wants, you will be able to remove from your life everything that makes you feel so tortured and weakened. Then you will be able to focus on positive thoughts and experiences, and beauty and positive energy will shine from you.

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